🪄 60-Minutes of magic 🪄

Running a business by yourself can feel like staring into a crystal ball and hoping to magically see a fully-fledged prophecy in the swirling mists of overwhelm. But, no matter how hard you stare, you just can’t see past that gosh-darn fog. 60-Minutes Of Magic is the answer to all your woes.

60-minutes of magic

stop trying to be trelawney

She’s cool, I know. But stop trying to be her. Stop trying to figure things out through guesswork and hoping for the best. Stop staring into the distance not knowing what to do.

Instead, spend 60-minutes with me and get clear on whatever’s boggling your brain.

A 60-Minutes Of Magic session is a whole hour of me and you, chatting about your business, your struggles, your stresses. And using my experience, wit and magic to help you get clear on the path forwards.

the fanciest of power hours

what is 60-minutes of magic?

Heard of a Power Hour? This is it. But fancier. With a fancier name and a whole heap of fun.

Before our session, you’ll fill in a little questionnaire about your business, your struggles and what you want to chat about during our magic-sesh. I’ll turn up prepared, caffeinated, and ready to help you get clear and make some damn progress. Then afterwards, I’ll send you the recording of the session so that you can go back to it whenever you need to.

what we can cover in 60-minutes of magic

We can cover pretty much anything you want to (within reason…). I’ve waved my magic wand to help with:

✅ messaging & strategy to figure out your USP

✅ website copy - making edits and improvements together

✅ mini-workshops on SEO, where I show you exactly how to do every little part of SEO on your website

✅ brand voice discovery sessions, where we get clear on your brand personality and tone of voice

✅ Instagram strategy and content brainstorming

✅ writing email welcome sequences together

✅ freebie ideas, workshop ideas, anything-ideas

✅ blog content strategies and coming up with a 6- or 12- month SEO content plan

✅ busting the fear around using LinkedIn to find clients

See? Pretty much anything. And did I mention it’s just £195? Get booking before I change my mind about this madness!

Let’s do this

Pop your details over there & I’ll be back in your inbox ASAP so you can book your session!

you’ve got questions, I’ve got answers ⚡

  • The cost of a 60-minute session is £195.

    This covers my prep before the hour, an entire 60-minute chat, and a follow-up detailing your action steps and anything else we discussed during our session.

    You’ll also get a recording of the call so you can come back to it whenever you want!

  • Well, what can’t we talk about?! This is YOUR 60-minutes. And you can do whatever you want with it (within reason).

    If it means us screen-sharing to overcome a hurdle with your website, that’s fine.

    If it means us talking for 60-minutes straight to get clarity on something, that’s also fine.

    Whatever it is you need, as long as it fits into 60-minutes, I’m your gal!

  • Not much!

    Depending on what you want to talk about during the session, I might ask you a few questions beforehand so I can be as prepped as possible.

    Other than that, the only requirement is that you come with a positive attitude and a cup of whatever refreshment you fancy.

  • Hopefully, the answer to all your woes!

    Aside from that, you’ll get a recording of our session for you to watch back whenever you need and I’ll be around for email support for 7 days after your session, so if you’re still confused about something I’m here to help!